The base class for components used to render ports. You must extend this component if you use a component for rendering ports. Your extension of this component needs to declare a constructor that takes an ElementRef. When you call the port component you need to pass the port's backing data as obj and its parent node/group component as parent.



el: ElementRef<any>
obj: ObjectData

Data object for the port. Required.

Parent node (or group) component. Required.


  • Returns the Port backing this component.

    Returns Port

  • Returns the ID of the port. This is the ID of the port on its node, not the unique id of the port across the entire graph.

    Returns string

  • Removes the port backing this component from the data model and from the UI.

    Returns void

  • Updates the data for the port backing this component, redrawing the component.


    • data: ObjectData

    Returns void

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