Class ClipboardAbstract

Offers methods to copy and paste data from/to a Toolkit instance. This class is abstract and is subclassed to concrete implementations by UI specific packages, of which currently there is only @jsplumbtoolkit/browser-ui-copy-paste. In the future if alternate renderers are written for the Toolkit it is expected that an implementation of the Clipboard would be one of the inclusions.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Removes all entries from the clipboard.

    Returns void

  • Copy some set of objects into the clipboard.


    • obj: Base | Path | Base[] | Selection<Edge | Node | Group>

      The object, or objects, to copy in to the clipboard.

    Returns void

  • Copies the contents of the associated Toolkit instance's current selection into the clipboard.

    Returns void

  • Paste the clipboard's most recent entry, optionally removing it from the clipboard afterwards.


    • Optional options: PasteOptions

      Options for the paste.

    Returns ClonedSet

  • Copies and pastes the contents of the associated Toolkit instance's current selection into the clipboard. This method is equivalent to calling copyCurrentSelection() first and then calling paste(..).


    • Optional options: PasteOptions

      Options for the paste.

    Returns ClonedSet

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