Provides the ability to assign elements to groups for dragging purposes: when a member of some group is dragged, the other elements of the group can be dragged along with it.

The core concept is of the "DragGroup", which is basically just a tag. Each member of a group can belong to the group in one of two roles:

  • active The element, when dragged, causes all of the other members of the group to be dragged too.
  • passive The element, when dragged, will not cause any of the other members of the group to be dragged. But when an active member of the group is dragged, passive elements are dragged at the same time.

When you configure this plugin you are required to provide an assignDragGroup function, whose signature is:

assignDragGroup:(v:Vertex) => DragGroupSpec

The return value DragGroupSpec may be either:

  • a string, in which case the element is added to the drag group with the given name in an active role
  • an object containing id and active which you can specify the active/passive role
  • null, in which case the element is not added to a drag group.



  • Adds the given objects to the given drag group.


    • spec: DragGroupSpec

      Spec for the drag group. If you supply a string, then all objects are added to the drag group with that name, and they are marked "active". If you supply an object in the form { id:string, active?:boolean } then all the objects are added to the drag group with the active state you provide.

    • Rest ...objects: (string | jsPlumbToolkitDOMElement | Node | ObjectData)[]

      Objects to add.

    Returns void

  • Runs each of the given objects through the code that automatically assigns them to a drag group. Since this


    • Rest ...objects: (string | jsPlumbToolkitDOMElement | Node | ObjectData)[]

    Returns void

  • Removes the given object(s) from any drag group they may belong to. You don't need to specify the name of the drag group since an object may belong to only one at a time.


    • Rest ...objects: (string | BrowserElement | Node | ObjectData)[]

    Returns void

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