Animate the given vertex to the given [x,y] location.
animateOptions: { Optional
complete?: FunctionOptional
duration?: numberOptional
start?: FunctionOptional
step?: FunctionBind an event listener. This method can be used with a type parameter by call sites; although it's not necessary it can be helpful to use this to ensure you've thought about what the payload to your event handler is going to be.
Name of the event(s) to bind to.
Function to bind to the given event(s)
e: anyOptional
insertAtStart: booleanWhether or not to insert this listener at the head of the listener queue. Defaults to false.
Traces an overlay along an edge.
Overlay tracing options
complete?: FunctionEdge, or edge id, to trace the overlay along
options?: OverlayAnimationOptionsDefinition of the overlay to trace along the edge.
start?: FunctionTraces an overlay along a path.
Path tracing options
listener?: PathTransportListenerOptional listener for events.
options?: OverlayAnimationOptionsOptions for the animation.
Definition of the overlay to trace along the path
path?: PathThe path to trace. Provide this, or provide source
and target
paused?: booleanIf true, the animation will start in a paused state.
source?: string | VertexSource vertex to trace Path from. Provide this and target
, or path
Target vertex to trace Path to. Provide this and source
, or path
Unbind the given event listener, or all listeners. If you call this method with no arguments then all event listeners are unbound.
eventOrListener: string | FunctionEither an event name, or an event handler function
listener: FunctionIf eventOrListener
is defined, this is the event handler to unbind.
SurfaceAnimator offers a few methods for animating parts of a Surface widget: