Provides a set of methods you can use in your unit/component tests to simulate a user interacting with a UI rendered by JsPlumb.


  • Add a Group to the Toolkit. A convenience wrapper around the same method on the underlying Toolkit.


    • data: ObjectData

      Data for the Group.

    Returns Group

  • Add a Node to the Toolkit. A convenience wrapper around the same method on the underlying Toolkit.


    • data: ObjectData

      Data for the Node.

    Returns Node

  • Simulates a clicks on the canvas


    • clickCount: number = 1
    • button: number = 1

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the given edge


    • edgeId: string

      ID of the edge to click on

    Returns void

  • Clicks on a DOM element


    • el: BrowserElement

    Returns void

  • Clicks on an element inside the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to click on.

    • selector: string

      CSS selector identifying the child element to click on.

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the group with the given ID.


    • groupId: string

      ID of the group to click on.

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the node with the given ID.


    • nodeId: string

      ID of the group to click on.

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the overlay with the given ID, on the given Edge.


    • edgeId: string

      ID of the Edge

    • overlayId: string

      ID of the overlay to click on.

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the port with the given ID on the node with given node id. The port may be represented by an Endpoint or by a DOM element.


    • nodeId: string

      ID of the node containing the port

    • portId: string

      ID of the port to click on.

    Returns void

  • Clicks on the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to click on.

    Returns void

  • Connect the given source and target via a call on the Toolkit, ie. without using the mouse. If you want to simulate mouse activity being used to establish an edge, use dragConnection.


    • source: string | BrowserElement | Node | Group | Port

      Node/Port/Group id, node/port/group, or DOM element.

    • target: string | BrowserElement | Node | Group | Port

      Node/Port/Group id, node/port/group, or DOM element.

    • Optional data: ObjectData

      Optional data for the edge.

    Returns Edge

    an Edge.

  • Trigger a right click event on the edge with the given id.


    • edgeId: string

    Returns void

  • Simulates a right-click event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate right-click on.

    Returns void

  • Double clicks on the given edge


    • edgeId: string

      ID of the edge

    Returns void

  • Double clicks on an element inside the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to double click on.

    • selector: string

      CSS selector identifying the child element to click on.

    Returns void

  • Double clicks on the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to click on.

    Returns void

  • Double taps on the given edge


    • edgeId: string

      ID of the edge

    Returns void

  • Double taps on an element inside the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node to tap on.

    • selector: string

      CSS selector identifying the child element to click on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a double tap event on the group with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • groupId: string

      ID of the node/group to double tap on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a double tap event on the node with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • nodeId: string

      ID of the node/group to double tap on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a double tap event on the node/group with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to double tap on.

    Returns void

  • Destroy the underlying Surface and remove the test harness container from the DOM.

    Returns void

  • Use the mouse to drag the target endpoint of the given edge and drop it on distant whitespace, causing the edge to be detached.


    • edge: Edge

    Returns void

  • Randomly drag a node/group around. Can be useful to ensure the model is being updated, or you're getting callbacks you expect, etc. We use this internally when we just want a node to move and we don't care where it moves to.


    • obj: string | Element | Node | Group

      Either a Node/Group, or the ID of a Node/Group, or the DOM element representing some Node/Group

    • Optional callbacks: ConnectionDragEventHandlers

      Optional set of event handlers to invoke during the drag.

    Returns void


  • Randomly drag a DOM element around.


    • el: BrowserElement

      Some DOM element. Doesn't need to be an element that represents a vertex in your model.

    Returns void


  • Drags a connection between two vertices. You can pass in a variety of arguments to this method for both source and target: an Endpoint, a DOM element, a node/group/port ID, or a combination of vertex id + css selector. We use this last variant in JsPlumb's own test suite to ensure that connections can be dragged from specific parts of some element, or that a connection source on an element does not cause the element to be dragged, etc.


    • source: string | [string, string] | BrowserElement | Endpoint<BrowserElement>

      Either a DOM element, an Endpoint, the ID of some node/group, or a node/group ID and an associated CSS3 selector identifying a part of the vertex's element that should be the source of the drag.

    • target: string | [string, string] | BrowserElement | Endpoint<BrowserElement>

      Either a DOM element, an Endpoint, the ID of some node/group, or a node/group ID and an associated CSS3 selector identifying a part of the vertex's element that should be the target of the drag.

    • Optional callbacks: ConnectionDragEventHandlers

      Optional callbacks to invoke during the connection drag

    • Optional locationOnTarget: PointXY

      Optional spec for exactly where on the target element to drop the connection. Values in this object are expressed as ratios of the width/height of the element. We use this in JsPlumb when we're testing scenarios in which a given vertex has multiple anchor locations assigned to it.

    Returns Connection<BrowserElement>

    a Connection. You can access the underlying edge via the .edge property of the connection.

  • Drag the given DOM element by the given x/y amounts.


    • el: BrowserElement

      DOM element to drag.

    • x: number

      Amount to move in X axis

    • y: number

      Amount to move in Y axis

    • Optional eventHandlers: DragEventHandlers

      Optional callbacks to invoke at various points in the drag lifecycle.

    • Optional metaKeys: Record<string, boolean>

      Optional map of meta keys to set on the events used to model the drag.

    Returns void

  • Drag a DOM element over a number of stages, advancing a little each time.


    • el: BrowserElement

      DOM element to drag.

    • x: number

      Amount to move in X axis

    • y: number

      Amount to move in Y axis

    • Optional stages: number

      How many stages to break the drag up into.

    • Optional eventHandlers: DragEventHandlers

      Optional callbacks to invoke at various points in the drag lifecycle. If you provide an afterMove callback, it will be invoked after each step of the drag.

    • Optional metaKeys: Record<string, boolean>

      Optional map of meta keys to set on the events used to model the drag.

    Returns void

  • Drag the given element onto the canvas, optionally at a specific x,y. Use this when you want to test drag/drop from some palette.


    • el: BrowserElement

      Element to drop onto the canvas.

    • x: number

      Optional, defaults to 250.

    • y: number

      Optional, defaults to 250.

    Returns void

  • Drag the given node into the given group.


    • node: string | Element | Node

      Node id, Node, or DOM element.

    • group: string | Element | Group

      Group id, Group, or DOM element.

    Returns void

  • Drag the given Node/Group by the given x/y amounts.


    • obj: string | Element | Node

      Node/Group id, node, group or DOM element.

    • x: number

      Amount to move in X axis

    • y: number

      Amount to move in Y axis

    • Optional eventHandlers: DragEventHandlers

      Optional callbacks to invoke at various points in the drag lifecycle.

    • Optional metaKeys: Record<string, boolean>

      Optional map of meta keys to set on the events used to model the drag.

    Returns void

  • Drag a Node/Group over a number of stages, advancing a little each time.


    • obj: string | BrowserElement | Node | Group

      Node/Group id, node, group or DOM element.

    • x: number

      Amount to move in X axis

    • y: number

      Amount to move in Y axis

    • Optional stages: number

      How many stages to break the drag up into.

    • Optional eventHandlers: DragEventHandlers

      Optional callbacks to invoke at various points in the drag lifecycle. If you provide an afterMove callback, it will be invoked after each step of the drag.

    • Optional metaKeys: Record<string, boolean>

      Optional map of meta keys to set on the events used to model the drag.

    Returns void

  • Drag the given Node/Group to the given [x,y], which are canvas coordinates.


    • obj: string | Element | Node

      Node id, node, or DOM element.

    • x: number

      Location on canvas in X axis to position top left corner of the node.

    • y: number

      Location on canvas in Y axis to position top left corner of the node.

    Returns void

  • Gets all edges in the underlying Toolkit.

    Returns Edge[]

  • Gets the position in the DOM of the element representing the given Node or Group


    • v: string | Node | Group

    Returns PointXY

  • Gets an Edge.


    • obj: any

      Edge ID, or Edge object.

    Returns Edge

  • Returns the count of Edges in the underlying Toolkit.

    Returns number

  • Gets a Group from the underlying Toolkit.


    • obj: string | Element

      Group Id or DOM element representing the Group

    Returns ObjectInfo<Group>

  • Gets a Node from the underlying Toolkit.


    • obj: string | Element

      Node Id or DOM element representing the node.

    Returns ObjectInfo<Node>

  • For the given edge id, find and return the underlying Connection used to render it.


    • edgeId: string

      An edge ID

    Returns Connection<Element>

  • For the given argument, find and return the corresponding DOM element.


    • obj: string | Element | Node | Group | ObjectData

      A node/group/port id, or node/group/port, or a DOM element.

    Returns Element

  • Gets the DOM element that was rendered for some port. May be null.


    • obj: any

      Port, or port ID.

    Returns Element

  • Find the corresponding Toolkit object for the given input.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • obj: string | Element | Edge | Node | Group | ObjectData | Connection<Element>

      A string representing an ID, a DOM element, a connection, or an existing Toolkit object.

    Returns ObjectInfo<T>

    an object containing the given model object, plus its id, and type etc.

  • Returns whether or not the DOM element representing the given vertex is at the given point p.


    • v: string | Node | Group

      node/group or id of node/group

    • x: number

      x location to test

    • y: number

      y location to test

    Returns boolean

  • Synthesize an event for the given object. This method is used by other parts of the test harness class and is not something a user of the API will necessarily need to make use of.


    • obj: string | BrowserElement | Node | Group | Port

      Node/Port/Group id, node/port/group, or DOM element.

    • dx: number

      Optional offset from the center of the x axis of the related DOM element to position the event.

    • dy: number

      Optional offset from the center of the y axis of the related DOM element to position the event.

    Returns SynthesizedEvent

    a SynthesizedEvent

  • Trigger a mousedown event on the edge with the given id.


    • edgeId: string

    Returns void

  • Simulates a mouseup event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate mouseup on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a mousemove event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate mousemove on.

    Returns void

  • Trigger a mouseout event on the edge with the given id.


    • edgeId: string

    Returns void

  • Simulates a mouseout event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate mouseout on.

    Returns void

  • Trigger a mouseover event on the edge with the given id.


    • edgeId: string

    Returns void

  • Simulates a mouseover event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate mouseover on.

    Returns void

  • Trigger a mouseup event on the edge with the given id.


    • edgeId: string

    Returns void

  • Simulates a mouseup event on the node/group with the given id


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to simulate mouseup on.

    Returns void

  • Execute querySelector(...) on the current container and return the results.


    • selector: string

    Returns any

    A matching DOM element, or null

  • Execute querySelectorAll(...) on the current container and return the results.


    • selector: string

    Returns any

    A NodeList of matching elements.

  • Right-clicks on the canvas.


    • clickCount: number = 1

    Returns void

  • Right-clicks on the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to click on.

    Returns void

  • Start editing the given Edge. Your surface must be configured for editable edge paths for this method to have any effect.


    • edge: Edge

      Edge to edit

    • Optional params: any

      Optional editor params. The type of this object depends on the type of the edge that is to be edited.

    Returns void

  • Stop editing an Edge. Your surface must be configured for editable edge paths for this method to have any effect.

    Returns void

  • Taps on the given edge


    • edgeId: string

      ID of the edge

    Returns void

  • Taps on a DOM element (mousedown followed by mouseup)


    • el: BrowserElement

    Returns void

  • Taps on a DOM element inside the node/group with the given ID.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to tap on.

    • selector: string

      CSS selector identifying the child element to click on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a tap event on the group with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • groupId: string

      ID of the group to tap on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a tap event on the node with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • nodeId: string

      ID of the node to tap on.

    Returns void

  • Simulates a tap event on the node/group with the given id - a tap event is a mousedown followed by a mouseup whose page coordinates are identical to the mousedown event's page coordinates.


    • nodeOrGroupId: string

      ID of the node/group to tap on.

    Returns void

  • Trigger the event with the given name on the given object. By default the event will occur in the middle of the DOM element representing the object.


    • obj: string | BrowserElement | Node | Group | Port

      Node/Port/Group id, node/port/group, or DOM element.

    • eventName: string

      eg 'click', 'mouseover'

    • evt: any

      Optional, an event you previously created via #makeEvent. Sometimes you want to control the specific location of the event.

    Returns void

  • Trigger the provided event on the given DOM element.


    • el: HTMLElement

      Element to trigger the event on

    • eventName: string

      Name of the event to trigger

    • Optional data: Record<string, any>

      Optional data to set on the created event. Any values in this object are copied into the created event via Object.assign.

    Returns void

  • Updates an Edge.


    • edge: any

      Edge, or edge ID.

    • data: any

      Data to update the edge with.

    Returns void

  • Update a Group in the Toolkit. A convenience wrapper around the same method on the underlying Toolkit.


    • obj: string | Group

      Group, or Group Id.

    • data: ObjectData

      Data for the Group.

    Returns void

  • Update a Node in to the Toolkit. A convenience wrapper around the same method on the underlying Toolkit.


    • obj: string | Node

      Node, or Node Id.

    • data: ObjectData

      Data for the Node.

    Returns void

  • Update a Vertex in the Toolkit. A convenience wrapper around the same method on the underlying Toolkit.


    • obj: string | Vertex

      vertex, or vertex Id.

    • data: ObjectData

      Data for the Vertex update.

    Returns void

  • Run a function and capture the console output. Used internally by JsPlumb's unit tests; included in the public API on the off chance it will be useful for others.


    • fn: Function

    Returns void

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