Interface ControlsComponentOptions

Options for the controls component.

interface ControlsComponentOptions {
    buttons?: ControlsComponentButtons;
    clear?: boolean;
    clearMessage?: string;
    orientation?: "row" | "column";
    undoRedo?: boolean;
    zoomToExtents?: boolean;


Optional extra buttons to add to the controls component.

clear?: boolean

Whether or not to show the clear button, defaults to true.

clearMessage?: string

Optional message to show the user when prompting them to confirm they want to clear the dataset

orientation?: "row" | "column"

Optional orientation for the controls. Defaults to 'row'.

undoRedo?: boolean

Whether or not to show undo/redo buttons, defaults to true

zoomToExtents?: boolean

Whether or not to show the zoom to extents button, defaults to true

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