Interface GridLayoutParameters

Options for the GridLayout.

interface GridLayoutParameters {
    columns?: number;
    height?: number;
    horizontalAlignment?: "center" | "left" | "right";
    locationFunction?: LocationFunction;
    orientation?: "row" | "column";
    padding?: PointXY;
    rows?: number;
    verticalAlignment?: "center" | "top" | "bottom";
    width?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


columns?: number

Optional fixed number of columns. By default this is set to -1 - meaning not fixed - which will result in the layout making its best effort at drawing a grid of equal width and height

height?: number

Optional fixed height for the layout.

horizontalAlignment?: "center" | "left" | "right"

Optional alignment for horizontal placement in cells. Defaults to center.

locationFunction?: LocationFunction

Optional function that, given some vertex, can provide the x/y location of the vertex on the canvas

orientation?: "row" | "column"

Whether to lay out items row first or column first. Additionally, this setting will determine where any extra items are placed if the dataset does not conform to a grid of equal width and height

padding?: PointXY

Optional padding to put around the elements. Defaults to 30 pixels in each axis.

rows?: number

Optional fixed number of rows. By default this is set to -1 - meaning not fixed - which will result in the layout making its best effort at drawing a grid of equal width and height.

verticalAlignment?: "center" | "top" | "bottom"

Optional alignment for vertical placement in cells. Defaults to center.

width?: number

Optional fixed width for the layout.

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