Interface SegmentedConnectorOptions

Options for an orthogonal connector.

interface SegmentedConnectorOptions {
    cornerRadius?: number;
    cssClass?: string;
    gap?: number;
    hoverClass?: string;
    smooth?: boolean;
    smoothing?: number;
    stub?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


cornerRadius?: number

Optional radius to apply to corners. This does not work in conjunction with smooth:true - you should use one or the other.

cssClass?: string

Optional class to set on the element used to render the connector.

gap?: number

Defines a number of pixels between the end of the connector and its anchor point. Defaults to zero.

hoverClass?: string

Optional class to set on the element used to render the connector when the mouse is hovering over the connector.

smooth?: boolean

Whether or not to smooth the connector as a set of bezier curves. Defaults to false.

smoothing?: number

The amount of smoothing to apply. The default is 0.15. Values that deviate too much from the default will make your lines look weird.

stub?: number

Stub defines a number of pixels that the connector travels away from its element before the connector's actual path begins.

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