Type alias VertexDrawingPluginTypeGenerator

VertexDrawingPluginTypeGenerator: ((origin, e) => {
    data?: ObjectData;
    objectType: typeof Node.objectType | typeof Group.objectType;
    type: string;

Defines a function used by the vertex drawing plugin to generate an objectType (Group/Node) and type (app-specific) for a vertex that is about to be drawn.

Type declaration

    • (origin, e): {
          data?: ObjectData;
          objectType: typeof Node.objectType | typeof Group.objectType;
          type: string;
    • Parameters

      Returns {
          data?: ObjectData;
          objectType: typeof Node.objectType | typeof Group.objectType;
          type: string;

      • Optional data?: ObjectData
      • objectType: typeof Node.objectType | typeof Group.objectType
      • type: string
Version :