Class EventGeneratorAbstract

Base class for classes that wish to support binding and firing of events.


You need to implement the shouldFireEvent method in your concrete subclasses of this class, or you can instead extend from OptimisticEventGenerator, which has a default implementation of shouldFireEvent that returns true.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Bind an event listener. This method can be used with a type parameter by call sites; although it's not necessary it can be helpful to use this to ensure you've thought about what the payload to your event handler is going to be.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • event: string

      Name of the event(s) to bind to.

    • listener: ((a, e?) => any)

      Function to bind to the given event(s)

        • (a, e?): any
        • Parameters

          • a: T
          • Optional e: any

          Returns any

    • Optional insertAtStart: boolean

      Whether or not to insert this listener at the head of the listener queue. Defaults to false.

    Returns EventGenerator

  • Fire the named event.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • event: string

      Event to fire

    • Optional value: T

      Value to pass to event handlers

    • Optional originalEvent: Event

      Optional original event that caused this event to be fired.

    Returns any

  • Gets all listeners for the given named event.


    • forEvent: string

    Returns any[]

  • Returns whether not event firing is currently suspended

    Returns boolean

  • Sets whether not event firing is currently suspended


    • val: boolean

    Returns void

  • Run the given function without firing any events.


    • fn: Function

    Returns void

  • Unbind the given event listener, or all listeners. If you call this method with no arguments then all event listeners are unbound.


    • Optional eventOrListener: string | Function

      Either an event name, or an event handler function

    • Optional listener: Function

      If eventOrListener is defined, this is the event handler to unbind.

    Returns EventGenerator

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